BusinessSafety/Security tips

Retail crime is skyrocketing in California

Retail crime has gone up and off the charts in recent times.   Organized groups are going into retail areas and stealing businesses blind.  These organized criminal groups are hitting all of California in record numbers. As reported in the Los Angeles times article July 16th 2021  “Rite Aid worker killed after confronting shoplifters in Glassell Park store Police Say’   A group came in with black trash bags went into the store and filled them with perfume and other items and went to walk out of the store employee confronted suspects and they shot the employee

Due to the uptick in this sort of crimes it would be a necessity to have proper security presences for your employee and customer safety.    Not just hired guards just sitting at the door. You need trained and seasoned guards who know the law and can keep your employees safe especially in a even like this.   This is a growing epidemic during this COVID Pandemic times.    

New laws were enacted to combat or deter these sorts of crimes.  Organized Retail Theft Program (

Link to article:  Rite Aid worker killed after confronting shoplifters at Glassell Park store, police say – Los Angeles Times (

Christopher Mulrooney

Supervising Manager Lieutenant EGA Security Services